
I'm the very first one in the drinking line

Letra: Julián Hernández
Música: Julián Hernández


I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no money, there’s no time
I’m the very first one in the drinking line

I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no heaven, there´s no sky
I’m the very first one in the drinking line

I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no honey, there´s no wine
I’m the very first one in the drinking line

I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no reason, there’s no rhyme
I’m the very first one in the drinking line

I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no music, there’s no band
I’m the very first one in the drinking line

I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
There’s no country, there’s no land
I’m the very first one in the drinking line
In the drinking line
In the drinking line

devorao ha comentado 12 de Octubre de 2010 ás 17:19
Ahi estamos..
Victor ha comentado 30 de Abril de 2011 ás 15:21
Una cancion a base de modulaciones. GENIAL HERNANDEZ
Toni ha comentado 11 de Enero de 2013 ás 02:01
Incluida en gira terra desconeguda

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Grabaciones en las que sale este tema

Country & Western

2010 / LP / Abrir en spotify / Comprar en iTunes

Grabado en The Foam Box (Houston, Tex, USA) los días 7, 8, 9 y 10 de febrero de 2010. Producido, mezclado y masterizado por Joe Hardy.
No tengo ni fe ni esperanza ni caridad pero estoy el primero en la cola para beber...
